Property Insurance
Why Farm Property Coverage?
Replacement Cost Coverage:
Equipment Breakdown Coverage:
Farm Liability:
Farm liability helps to protect you from bodily injuries or accidental damage claims that
occur on or due to the farm operation.
Farm Machinery Coverage:
Schedule Machinery:
Crop Insurance Products
We know making crop insurance decisions can feel complicated. VanDaele Insurance agents are here to help you make the best decisions to meet your goals. Click the plus to learn more. Get started today by filling out the form below and let us put you at ease.
Revenue Protection
Provides protection against production loss, price decline or increase, or a combination of both.
Yield Protection
Provides protection against production loss from natural causes such as drought, excessive moisture, wind, frost, insects and disease.
Area Revenue Protection
Provides protection against widespread loss of revenue, yield or a combination of both in a county.
Area Revenue Protection
Provides protection against widespread loss of yield in a county.
Hail Insurance
Protects against damage due to hail and/or fire. Production Hail and other private policies are available.
Margin Protection
Provides coverage against an unexpected decrease in operating margin.
SCO Coverage
Adds area-based coverage on individual insurance plans. You must have underlying RP, RPHPE or YP policy in place and be enrolled in Price Loss Coverage program under the Farm Bill.
ECO Coverage
Area-based coverage that can be added on top of your individual coverage - used with Revenue Protection (RP), RP with Harvest Price Exclusion (RP-HPE), Yield Protection (YP) and Actual Production History (APH) - not used with area-based policies such as Margin Protection (MP) or Area Revenue Protection (ARP).
Livestock insurance covers animals from perils due to being electrocuted, theft, damage that they cause, or not being able to defend itself. They aren’t covered for health related reasons.
List livestock: with the value and number for each.
Hog Buildings:
Cover your Hog confinements as well as the pigs themselves. When this is one of your main incomes, it is important to have the proper coverage.
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We care, we understand, and want the best for our customers.
December 1: Sales Close Date
September 1: Premiums billed year following SCD
Let's talk and figure out the best plan for your current situation and needs.
Contact VanDaele Insurance to put yourself and your family in a financially safe place now, and in the future.
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